Young Collectors Club

May 22nd, 2021 - May 29th, 2021
Project Room GALLERY


Traditionally, art collecting was an activity reserved for royalty, the church, and the wealthy. Michelangelo – one of the world’s most famous artists – is a great example of the historical relationship between religion, art, and finance. His painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was commissioned by Pope Julius II in the 15th century, and Michelangelo worked closely with the powerful Medici family, who used their wealth for patronage of the arts.

Today, many people still believe that you must be a royal or billionaire to collect art. This is simply not true! In the 21st century, art collecting is more accessible than ever and there are more diverse reasons for acquiring art.

With this project, we want to encourage young people to start creating their own unique collection. The Penticton Art Gallery will have a selection of 150 original works of art for children to choose from. Aged 5-12, these young collectors will be escorted into a gallery space designed especially for them. Inside the room will be Gallery staff to assist with selecting their chosen artwork.

NO PARENTS ALLOWED IN THE GALLERY SPACE. The young collectors will need to select the artwork for their collection with no outside influences.

Young Collectors Club runs from May 22—May 29 at the Art Gallery. Tickets are $25 each.
Each ticket is guaranteed a work of art.


Mythic Visions - Huichol (Wixárika) Yarn Painting


From Then Till Now